Individual Coaching for Executives

Which coaching program is best for you?

“Everyone needs a coach!”

— Bill Gates

From successful business leaders to budding entrepreneurs, from elite athletes to little leaguers, the benefits from coaching can literally change the game.

In my experience, being an executive is a very lonely job. Finding someone who understands the pressure you are under, the risks you take everyday, and the demands on you from your board, your staff, your customers, and your family can provide relief. When looking for an executive coach, the most important aspects are experience, qualifications, and finding the right match for you. In order for the process to be successful, you must feel a sense of trust because true growth comes from a commitment to get comfortable being vulnerable.

Although we can all benefit from sharing experiences within a group setting, sometimes there are situations, pressures, and decisions that are sensitive in nature and leaders find that a 1-on-1 relationship is most advantageous.

Executive Coaching

Executives benefit greatly from creating time and space to work with a coach to identify, set, and achieve goals. Although the focus will primarily be on work-related topics, as leaders the more we can integrate our human-ness, the better we are at becoming the best versions of ourselves. Engaging in this process will result in both personal and professional growth through self-awareness, goal-setting, and on-going support. Our ultimate goal is to unlock your human potential.

Life Coaching

If you’re more interested in focusing on clarifying and pursuing personal goals and dreams then a more wholistic coaching approach would be a better fit. I will help you identify and address underlying issues with a new perspective, formulate and carry out a plan to reach your goals with new skills, and provide encouragement and motivation so that you can experience renewed enthusiasm and happiness. Of note, many people seek coaching after or alongside therapy, as it builds upon that healing process.