Bootcamp for Leading Virtual Teams

Leadership is hard on a ‘normal’ day…suddenly doing it remotely is even more challenging.  Not only do leaders need to make changes in terms of strategy and execution, but they also need to help their managers and employees understand how to be effective and productive in this new environment.  This bootcamp will accomplish both.

ROI & Benefits:

  • Powerful leadership tools to accurately assess and close virtual leadership gaps

    • Initial assessment

    • Post-bootcamp recommendations

  • New management tips and skills to effectively and efficiently lead virtual teams

  • Opportunity to offer highly relevant training for your leaders of suddenly remote, and/or partially remote, teams increasing productivity, engagement, and team member satisfaction

  • Consistent best-practices management approach and framework for managing virtual teams

90-Minute Bootcamp Sessions:
​- Session 1: “Vision & Mission Alignment”
- Session 2: “Culture”
- Session 3: “Structure”
- Session 4: "Communication"

Convenient Scheduling: These four virtual 90-minute sessions can be held weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or collapsed into a full-day.

Leading Virtual Teams Bootcamp